The World of the City's Children's Literature. Saint Petersburg. / Authors. Translators. Artists. Creative Biographies. - Saint Petersburg: Petersburg - XXI century, 2000.
Who is who in Saint Petersburg. - Saint Petersburg: Lenizdat, 2002.
IBBY Honor List 2002 - Basel, 2002.
Bücher bauen brücken / 3. Europäiche Kinder und Jugendbuchmesse 14 bis 17. Mai 2003 in Saarbrücken VHS-Zentrum am Schloss. - Saarbrücken, 2003.
Who is Who in Russia. - Moscow, 2006.
Where Children's Literature is Made. Shorthand records of the meetings of the Club of Children's Writers at the Central City Library named after A.P. Gaidar. - Moscow, FAIR Publishing House, 2009.
Contemporary Children's Writers. Mikhail Yasnov. - An Appendix to the Chitaika [Let's Read] magazine № 10, 2009 for parents, teachers, educators, and librarians.
100 New Books for Children and Teenagers / Catalogue. - Moscow, Grand-Fair, 2010.
The Literary Saint Petersburg. XX century. Prose writers, poets, playwrights, and translators // An Encyclopaedic dictionary in 2 volumes. V. 2: L - Z. - Saint Petersburg: Faculty of Philology. SPbSU [Saint Petersburg State University], 2011.
Most Cherished Books // Saint Petersburg, Central City Children's Library named after A.S. Pushkin, 2014.
100 new books for children and teenagers / Catalogue. - Moscow, Grand-Fair, 2010.
The Literary Saint Petersburg. XX century. // Encyclopaedic Dictionary: in 3 volumes. V. 3: P - Z. - Saint Petersburg, 2015.
Writer on a Postcard (Izomaterial) - Moscow, Central City Children's Library named after A.P. Gaidar, 2015.
Mikhail Davidovich Yasnov. On the occasion of his 70th anniversary // Exhibition in a school library. - Moscow, The Russian School Library Association, 2015.
Living Faces. A navigator in contemporary national children's literature. No. 2. - Moscow, Beringa, 2015.
Mikhail Yasnov. The Brightest Writer // Reference reading list. Ulyanovsk, 2018.
In the Rhythm of Surf. - Leningrad: Sovietsky Pisatel [Soviet Writer], 1986.
Irregular Verbs. - Moscow: Prometheus, 1990.
Underground Cross-Walk. - Saint Petersburg: Vsemirnoye Slovo [Global Word] Publishers, 1995.
The Alphabet of Separation. - Saint Petersburg: Vsemirnoye Slovo [Global Word] Publishers, 1995.
Theater of Shadows. - Saint Petersburg; Smolensk: Information Center of SSU, 1999.
Immured Amours. - Saint Petersburg: Vita Nova, 2003.
Ambidexter. Poetry / Translations. - Saint Petersburg, Vita Nova, 2010.
Partly // Poems New and Selected. - Saint Petersburg, Petropolis, 2013.
Once and For All // Selected Poems from 1965 to 2015 - Moscow, Vremya [Time] Publishers, 2016.
Side viewfinder. - Moscow: T8, 2021.
The Cure for Yawning. - Moscow: Detskaya Literatura [Children's Literature], 1979.
Open Animals Day (In Moldovan) - Chisinau: Literatura Artistike, 1984.
I'm Learning to Write. - Moscow: Malysh, 1986.
A Party for a Primer. - Leningrad: Detskaya Literatura [Children's Literature], 1987.
The Eighth of March. - Kiev: Veselka, 1988.
Two Cheeky Little Cheeks. - Leningrad: Detskaya Literatura [Children's Literature], 1989.
Rhinopotaus and Hippoceros. - Leningrad: Detskaya Literatura [Children's Literature], 1991.
ABC-Book for Puppies. - Saint Petersburg: Khimiya, 1996.
At the Piggysaur's. - Saint Petersburg, Bukovsky Publishing House, 1996.
Counting Rhymes. - Minsk: MET, 1996.
Wonderhood. - Moscow: Samovar, 1999. ("Malysham" [For our Youngest Readers] series).
A Game for a Puppy. - Moscow: Onyx, 2000 (From "My First Little Library" series).
The Meowing Monster - Moscow: Onyx, 2001. (From the "Baby's Books" series)
At the Piggysaur's. - Moscow: Rosman, 2001.
At the Monkeypotamus. - Moscow: Rosman, 2001.
When I Become a Schoolboy... - Yaroslavl: Academia Razvitia [Development Academy], 2001 (From the "Best poems for children" series).
Little Helpers. Colouring Book. - Yaroslavl: Academia Razvitia [Development Academy], 2001 (Second ed. published in 2003).
Granny on the Bus. - Saint Petersburg, Central Children's Library, 2002.
A Thoughtful Sparrow. - Moscow, Drofa, 2002. ("Come Sit Down and Listen" series).
ABC-Book with Transformations. - Moscow, Drofa, 2002.
My Puppets. - Moscow, Strekoza-Press [Dragonfly-Press], 2002.
About Puppies. - Moscow, Strekoza-Press [Dragonfly-Press], 2002.
Little Helpers. - Moscow, Strekoza-Press [Dragonfly-Press], 2002.
Merry Voices. - Moscow, Dragonfly-Press, 2003.
A Book about me. - Moscow, Onyx, 2003 (From "My Little Classics Library" series).
Little Helpers. - Moscow, Drofa-Media, 2004.
The Ogre Comes for a Visit. - Smolensk, Rusich, 2004 ("For our youngest readers").
Who Lives Where? - Moscow, Drofa-Media, 2004.
A Party for a Primer. - Moscow, Rosman, 2004.
Merry Little Animals - Moscow, Strekoza-Press [Dragonfly Press], 2004.
Best Poems for Children // An Anthology (Compilation, Foreword, Notes on Authors, Selection of Poems). - Saint Petersburg, Neva Publishing House, 2004.
At the Piggysaur's. - Saint Petersburg, Amphora, 2005.
The Little Cup that Went for a Walk. - Moscow, Drofa-Media, 2005.
Wonderhood. - Saint Petersburg, Kindergarten all Around, 2006.
Quand Toutou se carapate. – Paris, Gautier-Languereau, 2006 (Translated into French).
Children's Time. - Saint Petersburg, Detgiz, 2007.
ABC-Book with Transformations. - Moscow, Drofa-Media, 2008.
1000 Rhymes, Tongue Twisters and Riddles for the Youngest and the Brightest. - Moscow, Astrel & Saint Petersburg, Sova [Owl] Publishers, 2008.
A Mischievous Grandfather. Poems for Children. - Kiev, Grani-T, 2008 (Translated into Ukrainian).
A Good Mood. Best poems for children. - Moscow, Rosman, 2008.
Mammoth, Daddoth, and the Rest - Moscow, Egmont, 2008.
Starting School. (Compilation, essays, poetry selection) - Saint Petersburg, Detgiz, 2008.
An Open Animals Day. Poems for children and their parents. - Tomsk, ID SK-S, 2008 (The "Merry-go-round" series).
Word, oh Word, Come out to Play! - Moscow, Astrel & Saint Petersburg, Sova [Owl] Publishers, 2008.
Best poems for the very young. - Moscow, Astrel & Saint Petersburg, Sova [Owl] Publishers, 2008.
The Icicle Collector. - Moscow, Samokat, 2009.
Wonderhood. - Saint Petersburg, Detgiz, 2010.
Visiting the Sky. - Moscow, Narnia, 2010.
At the Piggysaur's. - Saint Petersburg, Amphora, 2010 (From the "Artists for Children" series).
ABC-Book with Transformations. - Saint Petersburg, Azbuka, 2011.
The Airedale and the Letter "R". ABC for All. - Saint Petersburg, Grif-Detgiz, 2011.
ABC-Book for Puppies. - Saint Petersburg, Azbuka, 2011.
Hello, tail-lo! - Moscow, Samokat, 2011.
I Have it All // Verses from preschool life. - Saint Petersburg, Azbuka-Atticus, 2012.
I'm a person-ist! // Rhymes and tongue twisters. - Saint Petersburg, Azbuka-Atticus, 2012.
The Mittens and the Horse. - Saint Petersburg, Azbuka-Atticus, 2012.
It's All is Okay! Poems for children. - Saint Petersburg, Rech [Speech] Publishers, 2012.
Anatoly Sazonov, Mikhail Yasnov. A Funny Adventure (Poems and drawings) - Saint Petersburg, Rech [Speech] Publishers, 2012.
Alexey Laptev, Mikhail Yasnov. Good morning! (Poems and drawings) - Saint Petersburg, Rech [Speech] Publishers, 2012.
Rhymes and Tongue Twisters. - Moscow, Onyx, 2012.
The Meowing Monster. (Poems for Children) - Moscow, CompassGid, 2012.
The Moon Behind Us // Walks with verses. - Saint Petersburg, Azbuka-Atticus, 2012.
A Book Puzzles for Smart Children - Moscow, Moy Uchebnik [My Textbook] Publishing Centre & Saint Petersburg, Detskoye Vremya [Children's Time] Publishing House, 2012.
Kitten and Ratten // Playing Verse - St. Petersburg, Azbuka-Atticus, 2013.
Tungal, Leelo. Yasnov, Mikhail. What a Wonder! Poems for children. (Bilingual edition) - Tallinn. KPD, 2013.
An Open Animals Day // Poems and fairy tales. - Saint Petersburg, Azbuka, 2013.
What is Happiness? // Poems for children. - Kiev, Laurus, 2013.
What's Made of What? - Saint Petersburg, Azbuka, 2013.
The Meowing Monster and Other Stories. - Moscow, AST, 2013.
Mom, Look at Me! / Poems for preschoolers. - Saint Petersburg, Detgiz, 2014.
What are we? (A biligual Russian and Tatar edition) - Kazan, 2014.
DinoAfrica / A collection of poems. - Moscow, Octopus, 2015.
Alison Jay / Mikhail Yasnov. On the Eart and in the Ocean. (Poems and drawings for children) - Saint Petersburg, Polyandria, 2015.
A Story of Little No-One and Little No-Thing / Short fairy tales in verse. - Tallinn, KPD, 2015.
Usachev, A., Yasnov, M. The ABC Book Collection // ABC-Book with Transformations. - Moscow, Rosman, 2015.
The first "A" from A to Z. - Saint Petersburg, SP Saint Petersburg & Detgiz, 2015.
The Cure for Yawning. - Moscow, Enas-book, 2016 (Reprint of the 1979 edition).
A Party for the Primer. - Moscow, Enas-book, 2016 (Reprint of the 1987 edition).
The Story of a Rhinotamus and a Hippopoceros. - Moscow, Enas-book, 2016 (Reprint of the 1991 edition).
The Mysterious Adventures of the Invisible Creatures // A gamebook. - Moscow, Shusha, 2016.
How Fun Winters Can Be! // Snow stories for the very young. - Saint Petersburg, Kacheli, 2016.
Complete collection of poems for children. - Saint Petersburg, Dom Detskoy Knigi [Children's Book House] Publishing House, 2016.
Two Cheeky Little Cheeks. - Saint Petersburg & Moscow, Rech [Speech] Publishers, 2017 (Updated edition. Reprint of the 1989 edition).
Poems and Counting Rhymes. - Moscow, Onyx-Lit, 2017.
The Friendjungle. - Moscow, Onyx-Lit, 2017.
Once Upon a Time There Lived a Ling and a Lan // Thirty-Three Little Tangue-twisters. - Moscow, Text, 2017.
That's me! // Poems for children and their parents, - Moscow, Labyrinth Press, 2017.
Satoe Tone / Poems by Mikhail Yasnov. Who Counts the Sheep. - Saint Petersburg, Kacheli, 2017.
Satoe Tone / Poems by Mikhail Yasnov. The Biggest Carrot. - Saint Petersburg, Kacheli, 2017.
The Kindest Word. - Moscow, Meshcheriakov Publishing House, 2018 (Books by Mikhail Yasnov. Book One).
No worries! / Poems. - Moscow, Egmont, 2018.
The New Forest Primer Illustrated by Catherine of Posotselskaya. - Saint Petersburg, Vita Nova, 2018.
What for the beetle has his horns? // Thirty-Three Little Counting Rhymes. - Moscow, Text, 2018.
Gosling Walking by Himself… – Moscow, Meshcheriakov Publishing House, 2018 (Books by Mikhail Yasnov. Book two).
Gifts for Christmas Tree // Winter Book – – SPb., Children's Time, 2018
Long Live Shoeslandia// Merry Rhymes – Saint Petersburg, Kacheli, 2018.
Circus Alphabet – M., ABCdesign, 2019
About all cool seasons cool poems. - St. Petersburg, Wolves on parachutes. Edited by Asya Petrova, 2023.
Rosca, Valentin. Cherry Time. - Chisinau, Kartya Moldoveneasca, 1974.
Dudnik, Petru. Endurance Knows No Death. Poems and Verse. - Chisinau, Literatura Artistike, 1979.
Yavtysy, Procopy. The Mark of Argish. Verses and a poem. - Archangel, North-Western Publishing House, 1981.
Kyrkelan, Yuri. Trio. - Chisinau, Literatura Artistike, 1982.
Apollinaire, Guillaume. Early Poems. The Bestiary: or, Orpheus's Procession. (Compillation, essay, translations) - Saint Petersburg, Iskusstvo [Art] Publishers - Saint Petersburg, 1994.
Breton Fairy Tales (Compilation, Translation) - Saint Petersburg, Vsemirnoye Slovo [Global Word] Publishers, 1995.
Prévert, Jacques. The Seine Meets Paris. (Compilation, essay, translations) - Saint Petersburg, Iskusstvo [Art] Publishers - Saint Petersburg, 1995.
Breton Ballads. (Compilation, afterword, translations) - Saint Petersburg: Iskusstvo [Art] Publishers - Saint Petersburg, 1995.
Rostand, Edmond. Cyrano de Bergerac. (Compilation, commentary, translations) - Saint Petersburg, Nauka [Science] Publishers, 1997.
Apollinaire, Guillaume. Aesthetic Surgery (Compilation, introductory essay, commentary, translation) - Saint Petersburg, Symposium, 1999.
Verlaine, Paul. Selected Poems (Compilation, essay, commentary, translations) - Moscow, Terra - Book Club, 1999.
Conversations with Dmitry Vyacheslavovich Ivanov (Translated together with Bayevskaya, E.) - Saint Petersburg, Ivan Limbakh Publishing House, 1999.
Ionesco, Eugène. Collected works in 2 volumes. V. 1 Rhinoceros; V. 2 Between Life and Dreams. (Compilation, introductory essays, commentary (together with Shulgat, A.), Translation) - Saint Petersburg, Symposium, 1999.
Apollinaire, Guillaume. Alcohols. (Compilation, introductory essays, commentary, translations) - Saint Petersburg, Tertia-Crystal, 1999.
Cocteau, Jean. Cock and Harlequin. (Compilation, Introductory Essay, Commentary, Translation) - Saint Petersburg, Crystal, 2000.
Chong, Hyung-Zhong. So Little Time for Love. (Translated from Korean) - Saint Petersburg, BLITZ, 2000.
Apollinaire, Guillaume. Mirabeau Bridge. (Bilingual edition) (Compilation, Introductory essay, Notes, Translation) - Saint Petersburg, Azbuka, 2000. (2nd ed. - 2004).
Valerie, Paul. Birth of Venus. (Compilation, Commentary, Translation) - Saint Petersburg, Azbuka, 2000.
Cyrano de Bergerac. The Other World: or, The States and Empires of the Moon. (Compilation, Foreword, Commentary, Translation) - Saint Petersburg, Ivan Limbakh Publishing House, 2001.
Blau, Jean. Moses. Nash Sovremennik [Our Contemporary] - Saint Petersburg, BLITZ, 2001.
Apollinaire, Guillaume. The Rotting Magician. The Poet Assassinated. (Compilation, Foreword, Commentary. Translated from French) - Saint Petersburg, Ivan Limbakh Publishing House, 2002.
Sidaner, Jean-Marie le. The Shadow Collector. (Compilation and foreword. Translated from French) - Saint Petersburg, Academichesky Proyekt [Academic project] Publishing Hourse, 2002.
A Mental Aquarium. A Collection of Belgian Symbolic Poetry and Prose. (Compilation, foreword, commentary, prose translation) - Saint Petersburg, Petersburg - XXI century, 2003.
French Surrealist Poetry. Anthology. (Compilation, foreword, commentary, translations) - Saint Petersburg, Amphora, 2003. (2nd ed. - 2004).
Cocteau, Jean. The Difficulty of Being. (Compilation, foreword, commentary, poetry translation) - Saint Petersburg, Azbuka-Classica, 2003.
Apollinaire, Guillaume. On the Two Shores. Fargue, Leon-Paul. Le piéton de Paris. (Compilation, foreword, commentary, index, translations) - Saint Petersburg, Ivan Limbakh Publishing House, 2004.
Blau, Jean. Ivan Goncharov, or the Unattainable Realism - Saint Petersburg, BLITZ, 2004.
Michel Deguy. Poems I - III. - Moscow, OGI, 2004 ("Bilingua" series).
Lambrichs, Colette. Tender Deceipt. (Compilation and foreword. Translated from French) - Saint Petersburg, Academichesky Proyekt [Academic project] Publishing Hourse, 2004.
Rimbaud, Arthur. Poems. (Compilation, afterword, commentary, translations) - Moscow, Text, 2005 (Bilingual edition) - 2nd ed. (2011).
Blau, Jean. The Sun Sets in the East. - Saint Petersburg: BLITZ, 2005.
Apollinaire, Guillaume. The Poet Assassinated [The Rotting Magician. The Poet Assassinated]. (Compilation, foreword, and commentary. Translated from French) - Saint Petersburg, Azbuka, 2005.
Cyrano de Bergerac. The Other World: or, The States and Empires of the Moon. (Compilation, foreword, commentary, translations) - Saint Petersburg, Azbuka-Classica, 2005.
The Cursed Poets. (Compilation, foreword, commentary, translations) - Saint Petersburg, Nauka [Science] Publishers, 2005 ("Library of a Foreign Poet" series).
Verlaine, Paul. The Confession. (Compilation, foreword, commentary, translations) - Saint Petersburg, Azbuka-Classica, 2006.
Blau, Jean. Alexander Blok, The Poet of the Nevsky Prospekt. - Saint Petersburg, BLITZ, 2006.
The Cursed poets: Paul Verlaine, Charles Crow, Tristan Corbières, Maurice Rollinat, Jean Richepin, Germain Nouveau, Arthur Rimbaud. (Compilation, foreword, commentary, translations) - Saint Petersburg, Azbuka-Classica, 2007 ("Bilingua" series).
Honey and Tears. Jewish folk songs from the collection of Moses Bereghovsky. (Compilation and introductory essay. Translated from Yiddish) - Saint Petersburg, Jewish Community Centre, 2007.
Apollinaire, Guillaume. Poems. (Translation, compilation, afterword and commentary) - Moscow, Text, 2008.
Picasso, Pablo. Poems. (Afterword. Translated from French) - Moscow, Text, 2008.
Blau, Jean. Block about Blok, or One Life for Two. - Saint Petersburg, BLITZ, 2008.
Beaubier, Robert. Stale Goods. (Novel) - Moscow, The text, 2008
Excerpts from French poetry of the XVI - XIX centuries; From Gerard de Nerval to Arthur Rimbaud. From the French lyrical poetry of the XIX century. A 2-volume edition. (Compilation, foreward, translations) - Saint Petersburg, Anima, 2008.
Murger, Henri. Scenes from Bohemian Life. (Poetry translation, afterword and commentary) - Saint Petersburg, Azbuka-Classic, 2008.
Apollinaire, Guillaume. Passions of Christ. (Compilation and translation) - Kharkiv, Folio, 2009.
Apollinaire, Guillaume. Disappearance of the Shadow. (Compilation, foreword, commentary, select translations) - Saint Petersburg, Azbuka-Classica, 2009
Prévert, Jacques. Poems. (Translation, compilation, afterword and commentary) - Moscow, Text, 2009.
Sagnol, Mark. Places of Wanderings. A bilingual edition. - Moscow, Kommentarii [Commentary] Publishers, 2010.
Carême, Maurice. Poems. (Translation, compilation, afterword and commentary) - Moscow, Text, 2011.
Apollinaire, Guillaume. Collected works in three volumes. (Compilation, introductory essay, commentary, translations) - Moscow, Knigovek, 2011.
Yasnov, Mikhail. Select Translations. - Moscow, Knigovek, 2011
Rimbaud, Arthur. Drunken Boat. (Compilation. Translated from French). - Moscow & Saint Petersburg, Komsomolskaya Pravda - Amphora, 2011.
Fargue, Leon-Paul. The Paris Men and Women. (Compilation, essay, commentary, index, translation) - Saint Petersburg, Azbuka-Classica, 2012 (Released in November 2011).
Cocteau, Jean. Poems. (Translation, compilation, afterword and commentary) - Moscow, Text, 2012.
Apollinaire, Guillaume. Bestiary. (Compilation, translations) - Moscow, Komsomolskaya Pravda & Saint Petersburg, Amphora, 2012.
Book of the Marquises // Collection of poetry and prose. (Translation of poems) - Saint Petersburg, Vita Nova, 2012.
Verlaine, Paul. Sad Landscapes. (Compilation. Translated in part) - Moscow, Komsomolskaya Pravda & Saint Petersburg, Amphora, 2012.
Best Poems About Love // French poetry Masterpieces. (Compilation and foreword. Partial translation) - Moscow, AST, 2012.
The Shepherdess and Nobleman // French poetic folklore. (Compilation and foreword. Partial translation) - Saint Petersburg, Azbuka-Classica, 2013.
The best of the French Lyrical Poetry // Poems about love. (Compilation and foreward. Partial translation) - Moscow, AST, 2013.
Verlaine, Paul. Liberal Works / Illustrated by Beka, P.-E., Bertomme-Saint-André, L.-A. et al.; Translated from French by Yasnov, M.D. - Saint Petersburg, Alpharet, 2013. - 388p. il.
Prosper Mérimée. Two Legacies, or Don Quixote. The Debut of the Adventurer // Plays. (Translated from French) - Moscow, Text. 2014.
Apollinaire, Guillaume. Impatience of Hearts. (Compilation, introductory essay, comments, translations) - Moscow, EKSMO, 2014.
Blau, Jean. The Holy Mountain. - St. Petersburg, BLITZ, 2014.
Laforgue, Jules. Poems. Prose. (Compilation and commentary. Partial translation) - Moscow, BMM., 2015.
The Burning Passions // Love Poetry of French poets. (Compilation and introductory essay. Partial translation) - Moscow, EKSMO, 2015.
Apollinaire, Guillaume. Bestiary. (Essay. Translated from French) - Saint Petersburg, Alpharet, 2015.
Belgian Symbolic Poets. (Compilation, commentary, translations) - Saint Petersburg, Nauka [Science] Publishers, 2015 ("Library of a Foreign Poet" series).
Cendrars, Blaise. Poems. (Compilation, afterword and commentary. Translated from French) - Moscow, Text, 2016.
Fragmented Experiences. From French Poetry // Translations. Commentary. Notes. - Moscow, Rudomino Book Centre, 2016.
Apollinaire, Guillaume. King-Moon. [Short stories] (Compilation and commentary; translation of "The Rotting Magician") - Saint Petersburg, Palmyra, 2017.
Verlaine Paul. Poems. (Compilation, afterword and commentary. Translated from French) - Moscow, Text, 2018.
Mironov, Philip. The Story of a Pumpkin-Elephantkin. - Chisinau, Literatura Artistike, 1980.
Ciocanu, Aurel. The Barefoot Rain. - Chisinau, Literatura Artistike, 1981.
Blanaru, George. The Forest City. - Moscow, Detskaya Literatura [Children's Literature], 1982.
Poetry Around Us. - Moscow, Prosveshcheniye Publishers, 1984.
Rosca, Valentin. A Hundred Eyes. - Chisinau: Literatura Artistike, 1984.
Philip, Vitaly. Tales by the Fire. - Chisinau, Literatura Artistike, 1985.
Carême, Maurice. Bagpipe Song. - Leningrad, Detskaya Literatura [Children's Literature], 1986.
Suceveanu, Arcadie. A Snail Left the House. - Chisinau, Literatura Artistike, 1986.
Ciocanu, Aurel. Mama Comes and Comes the Light. - Moscow, Detskaya Literatura [Children's Literature], 1987.
Prévert, Jacques. A Song for You. - Leningrad, Detskaya Literatura [Children's Literature], 1988.
Blanaru, George. Tell me, oh Forest... - Chisinau, Literatura Artistike, 1988.
Rusnak, Vladimir. The Story of the Little Grape - Chisinau, Literatura Artistike, 1989.
Roshka, Nikolay. Does the Sun have a Grandfather? - Chisinau, Literatura Artistike, 1990.
Tungal, Leelo. Once Upon a Fine Sad Day. - Moscow, Detskaya Literatura [Children's Literature], 1991.
Vercor. Tales for Mustard Leaves. - Moscow & Odessa, Dva Slona [Two Elephants] Publishers, 1992.
French for Children. - Moscow, Prosveshcheniye Publishers, 1992.
The Poetry Aroud Us. Part 1. - Moscow, Prosveshcheniye Publishers, 1993.
The Poetry Aroud Us. Part 2. - Moscow, Prosveshcheniye Publishers, 1993.
Tales for Mustard Leaves (Compilation, translations). - Saint Petersburg, Pechatny Dvor [Printed Press] Publishers, 1993.
Grahame, Kenneth. Wind in the Willows. (Poetry translation. Translated from English) - Saratov, Privolzhsky Publishers, 1993.
The Story of Daggober the Parrot and the Rusty Anchor. French fairy tales and poems. (Compilation, translations) - Moscow, Monologue, 1994.
Kurilov, Nikolay. The Cloudberry and the Sun - Yakutsk, Bichik, 1994.
Bluebird in Flight. Textbook (Translating Poetry). - Moscow, Prosveshcheniye Publishers, 1996.
Bluebird in Flight. (My Little French Library, No. 1), Parts 1-2 (Translation of poems). - Moscow, Yazyki Russkoy Kultury [The Languages of the Russian Culture] Publishing House, 1996.
The Fifth Season. (My Little French Library, No. 2), (Translation of poems). - Moscow, Yazyki Russkoy Kultury [The Languages of the Russian Culture] Publishing House, 1997.
With One Phrase. French poems, aphorisms, and caricatures. - Tula, Autograph, 1998.
Carême, Maurice. Castle on the Sea. (Fairy tales and stories) - Saint Petersburg, Petersburg - XXI century, 1999.
Roy, Claude. Almansor and the company. (A Collection of Fairy Tales). - Saint Petersburg, Petersburg - XXI century, 1999.
Gripari, Pierre. Tales of the Rue Broca. - Saint Petersburg, Petersburg - XXI century, 2000.
Poems and Songs. (My Little French Library, No. 3), (Translation of poems) - Moscow, Yazyki Russkoy Kultury [The Languages of the Russian Culture] Publishing House, 2000.
Obaldia, René de. Fantas-verse (Compilation, foreword) - Moscow, Kolobok and Two Giraffes, 2001.
Moreau, Jean-Luc. Tree on a Branch. (Fairy tales and poems) - Saint Petersburg, Petersburg - XXI century, 2001.
A Lesson in Anteating / Poems of French poets as translated and retold by Mikhail Yasnov. - Moscow, Onyx, 2002.
Gripari, Pierre. Tales of the Rue Broca. (Retold from French, seven tales) - Moscow, Drofa, 2002.
Perrault, Brian. Amos Daragon: The Mask Wearer. - Moscow, Olma-Press, 2004.
Perrault, Brian. Amos Daragon: The Key to of Braha. - Moscow, Olma-Press, 2004.
Perrault, Brian. Amos Daragon: The Dragon Slayer. - Moscow, Olma-Press, 2004.
Mani-Leib. Ingle-Tsingl-Khvat. (Poem. Translated from Yiddish) - Moscow & Jerusalem, Gesharim - Mosty Kultury [Bridges of Culture] Publishers, 2004.
French Poetry for Children. Prévert, Jacques. Desnos, Robert. Leigh, Madeleine. Roy, Claude. Obaldia, René de. (Compilation, translation, foreword and commentary) - Moscow, Samokat Publishing House, 2005.
Wilson, Karma. Bear Stays Up For Christmas. (Translated from English) - Saint Petersburg, Azbuka-Classica, 2006.
Wilson, Karma. Bear Snores On. (Translated from English) - Saint Petersburg, Azbuka-Classica, 2006.
Wilson, Karma. Bear Wakes Up. (Translated from English) - Saint Petersburg, Azbuka-Classica, 2006.
Wilson, Karma. Bear's New Friend, (Translated from English) - Saint Petersburg, Azbuka-Classica, 2006.
Children's World (Translation from Yiddish, and afterword). - Moscow & Jerusalem: Gesharim - Mosty Kultury [Bridges of Culture] Publishers, 2007.
The Creation of the Sixth Day and Other Stories. (A French Literary Tale: Marie Noël, Maurice Carême, Jean-Luc Moreau, Claude Roy, Jules Supervielle. Translation and foreword) - Moscow, Narnia, 2007.
Carnival of animals. French folk tales as translated by Mikhail Yasnov. - Kiev, Grani-T, 2007.
John the Bear. French folk tales as translated by Mikhail Yasnov. - Kiev, Grani-T, 2007.
Best Apples Reward. French folk tales as translated by Mikhail Yasnov. - Kiev, Grani-T, 2007.
Tungal, Leelo. How Does One Measure Mischief? - Tallinn. KPD, 2009.
Carême, Maurice. Tales for Caprine. - Moscow, Rozovy Giraffe [Pink Giraffe] Publishers, 2009.
Carême, Maurice. Tag. - Moscow, Rozovy Giraffe [Pink Giraffe] Publishers, 2010 (Released in 2009).
The Poetry Express / French poems for young schoolchildren. - Moscow, Pervoye Sentiabrya [First of September] Publishers, 2009 ("First of September" Little Library, No. 29).
Matter, Philippe. Mini-Wolf Celebrates New Year. - Moscow, RIPOL Classic, 2010.
Matter, Philippe. Mini-Wolf and the Dinosaurs. - Moscow, RIPOL Classic, 2010.
Matter, Philippe. Mini-Wolf and the Sea-Faring Brigands. - Moscow, RIPOL Classic, 2010.
The Poetry Express / French poems for highschool students. - Moscow, Pervoye Sentiabrya [First of September] Publishers, 2010 ("First of September" Little Library, No. 31).
French folk songs // In French and Russian (Translation, afterword). - Saint Petersburg, Detgiz, 2010.
Monsieur, Monsieur, What's the Time? // Verses of contemporary French poets for children. - Saint Petersburg, Detgiz, 2010.
John the Bear. Man-foal // French folk tales... - Moscow, Apriori-Press, 2011.
Morgenstern, Susie. I Will Make Miracles Happen / Poems. - Moscow, CompassGid, 2011.
Raud, Eno. Pumpkinmoon / Poems. - Tallinn, KPD Publishers, 2011.
Taback, Simms. Joseph Had a Little Overcoat... (Translated from English) - Moscow, Text, 2011.
Hagen, Hans and Monica. You are Loved the Most! - Moscow, CompassGid, 2011.
Carême, Maurice. How to Draw a Little Human. Poems and fairy tales. (Compilation. Translation) - Tomsk, ID SK-S, 2011.
Songs and Tales of Merry Dwarfs // French songs and fairy tales. - Moscow, Olma Media Group, 2012 (Released in November 2011).
Picouly, Daniel. Lulu and Saint Valentine's Day. - Saint Petersburg, Polyandriya, 2012.
Picouly, Daniel. Lulu the Princess. - Saint Petersburg, Polyandriya, 2012.
Picouly, Daniel. Lulu the Chef. - Saint Petersburg, Polyandriya, 2012.
Picouly, Daniel. Lulu and the Absentminded Stork. - Saint Petersburg, Polyandriya, 2012.
Picouly, Daniel. Lulu for President! - Saint Petersburg, Polyandriya, 2012.
Picouly, Daniel. Lulu and the Big Concert. - Saint Petersburg, Polyandriya, 2012.
Picouly, Daniel. Lulu and the Christmas Tree. - Saint Petersburg, Polyandriya, 2012.
Parland, Stella. Stanzas and Catastrophes on Sleepiness and Clamor (Translated from Swedish). - Saint Petersburg, Detgiz, 2012.
Toudouze, Gustave. The Sun King. (Historical biography. Translation from French, with commentary) - Saint Petersburg, Vita Nova, 2012.
Tristan and Isolde. (Retold and translated from French) - Moscow, Klever [Clover] Publishers, 2012
Lestrade, Agnès de. A Factory of Words. (Translated from French) - Saint Petersburg, Polyandriya, 2012
Baby John Dances // French folk songs as translated by Mikhail Yasnov. - Moscow, Serafim i Sofiia [Seraphine and Sofia], 2012
Caius, Theodore. Richelieu. (Historical biography. Translation from French, with commentary) - Saint Petersburg, Vita Nova, 2013.
Montorgueuil, Georges. Bonaparte. (Historical biography. Translation from French, with commentary) - Saint Petersburg, Vita Nova, 2013.
Montorgueuil, Georges. Napoleon. (Historical biography. Translation from French, with commentary) - Saint Petersburg, Vita Nova, 2013.
Silly Little Animals // French fairy tales and songs. - Moscow, Olma Media Group, 2013.
Between the Land and the Sea // Poems of the Baltic poets for children: Vainilaitis, M., Tungal, L., Baltvilks, J. (Compillation, translations) - Saint Petersburg, Grif-Detgiz, 2013.
Leib, Mani. Ingle-Tsingl-Khvat published in: Jewish literary tales. - Saint Petersburg, Symposium, 2013.
Sellier, Marie. My First Ten Paintings. (Poems. Translated from French) - Moscow, Klever [Clover] Media Group, 2013.
Sellier, Marie. Ten Paintings and a Red Ball. (Poems. Translated from French) - Moscow, Klever [Clover] Media Group, 2014.
Ionesco, Eugène. Tales for children less than three years old. (Foreword. Translated from French) - Saint Petersburg, Detgiz - Detskoye Vremya [Children's Time], 2014.
Brière-Haquet, Alice & Allag, Melanie. Dragons // Instruction Manual. (Poems. Translated from French) - Saint Petersburg, Polyandria, 2014.
Brière-Haquet, Alice & Allag, Melanie. Princesses // Instruction Manual. (Poems. Translated from French) - Saint Petersburg, Polyandria, 2014.
Prévert, Jacques. Monsieur and Someone // Puppet show (Translated from French; afterword) - Moscow, Text, 2014.
Prévert, Jacques. Moon Opera (Translated from French) - Moscow, Text, 2014.
Chedid-Advenier, Emmanuelle (Emma). Dear Father Christmas! (Translated from French). - Moscow, Klever [Clover] Publishers, 2015.
Matsaberidze, Bondo. Tales About a Boy Called Bekny and a Girl Called Teklu (Retold from the Georgian) - Saint Petersburg, Detgiz, 2015.
Old French Songs // In French and Russian (Translation, afterword). - Saint Petersburg, Grif-Detgiz, 2010.
Serres, Alain. I Have the Right to be a Child (Translated from French). - Moscow, Samokat, 2015.
The Stone and the Wave // Children's poems by Georgian poets: Lela Tsutskiridze, Vasily Guleuri, Irma Malatsidze, Bondo Matsaberidze, Robert Meskhi, Zaza Abzianidze, Mariam Tsiklauri (Compilation, Translation) - Saint Petersburg, Grif-Detgiz, 2015.
Rubio-Barreau, Vanessa. The Little Prince (a cinematic novel) - Moscow, EKSMO, 2016; Latour-Burney, Valérie. The Little Prince (a cinematic story) - Moscow, EKSMO, 2016; Latour-Burney, Valérie. The Little Prince (a cinematic album) - Moscow, EKSMO, 2016 (Three books about the cartoon; Translated from French).
Montorgueuil, Georges. Henry IV. (Historical biography. Translation from French, with commentary). - Saint Petersburg, Vita Nova, 2016.
Picouly, Daniel. Lulu's Extraordinary Journey. (Poems; Translated from French) - Saint Petersburg, Polyandriya, 2016.
Funck-Brentano, Franz. Joan of Arc. (Historical biography. Translation from French, with commentary) - Saint Petersburg, Vita Nova, 2016.
Suneby, Elizabeth & Heiman, Diana. Mitzvah. (Poems. Translated from English) - Moscow, Knizhniki, 2016.
Krause, Ute. James and the Father Christmasses. (Retold from German) - Moscow, ROSMAN, 2016.
Breton Fairy Tales. (Compilation. Partial translation from French) - Saint Petersburg, Vita Nova, 2016.
Newman, Tracy. Rosh-ha-Shana Is Coming. (Poems for children. Translated from English) - Moscow, EKSMO, 2016.
Zolkover, Edie Stolz. Tu Bi-Shvat (Poems for children. Translated from English) - Moscow, EKSMO, 2016.
Roth, Susan L . Hanukkah, O Hanukkah! (Poems for children. Translated from English) - Moscow, Text, 2016.
Miller, Deborah Uchill. Only Nine Chairs: A Tall Tale for Passover. (Poems for Children. Translated from English) - Moscow. Text. 2016.
Ostrow, Karen. Challah, Just like Granny Used to Make It. (Poems for children. Translated from English) - Moscow, Text, 2017.
Wilson, Karma. Bear Wakes Up. (Poems for Children. Translated from English) - Saint Petersburg, Polyandrya, 2017 (Reprint of a previous edition).
Wilson, Karma. Bear's New Friend. (Poems for Children. Translated from English) - Saint Petersburg, Polyandrya, 2017 (Reprint of a previous edition).
Wilson, Karma. Bear Feels Scared. (Poems for Children. Translated from English) - Saint Petersburg, Polyandrya, 2017.
Tales of Times Bygone. (Translated from French) - Saint Petersburg, Vita Nova, 2017.
Gripari, Pierre. Tales of the Rue Broca. - Moscow, Text, 2017.
A Lazy Spider. (Poems, fairy tale. Translated from French) - Moscow, Prosveshcheniye Publishers, 2017.
Montorgueuil, Georges. Louis XI. (Historical biography. Translation from French, with commentary) - Saint Petersburg, Vita Nova, 2017.
Tungal, Leelo. Once upon a Fine Sad Day. (Poems for Children. Translated from Estonian) - Moscow, Enas-book, 2017 (Reprint of the 1991 edition).
Hood, Susan. Double Take! A New Look at Opposites. (An educational book in verse. Translated from English) - Saint Petersburg, Polyandriya, 2017.
Saksatamm, Marcus. Uncle Otto and Crab Crabovitch. Poems. (Translated from Estonian) - Tallinn, KPD, 2017.
Homer's Iliad and Odyssey as retold by Céline Potard. (Translated from French) - Saint Petersburg, Kacheli, 2017.
Portfleet, Rin & Hausen, Will. Gnomes all the Year Round. (Fairy tales and poems. Retold from Dutch) - Moscow, Machaon, 2018.
Come out, you Little Deer! / Poems of the poets of Siberia and the Far North for children translated by Mikhail Yasnov. - Saint Petersburg, Fond Detskoy Knigi [Children's Book Foundation], 2018.
Fables for a Nightingale. 25 pairs of French and Russian Sayings and Proverbs // Poems and Translations. - Moscow, Nigma, 2018
What does not Happen? What Never Shall? 23 French Riddles. (Translated from French) - Moscow, Nigma, 2018.
Down a Path a Kitten Went... 25 French Nursery Rhymes. (Translated from French) - Moscow, Nigma, 2018.
Beauty and the Beast (Translated from French ) – Moscow, Machaon, 2018.
Louis Pergaud. Button War ( Translated from French, with commentary) – M., KompasGid. 2018
Jacques Prévert. How to Draw a Bird (Translated from French )– M., Gecharim. 2018
Selected European Lyrical Poetry of the XVII Century. Reading Book. (Compilation and introductory essay) - Saint Petersburg, Obrazovaniye [Education] Publishing House, 1996.
Masters of Poetry Translation. (Preparation of the text and notes - together with Etkind, E.G.) - Saint Petersburg, Academichesky Projekt [Academic Project], 1997 (The Poet's New Library. The Big Series).
Baudelaire, Charles. Paris Spleen/ Poems in Prose (Afterword). - Saint Petersburg, Iskusstvo [Art] Publishing House - St. Petersburg, 1998.
"Golden dreams" of Translation. - Border consciousness / Almanac "The Eves", Saint Petersburg: 1999.
Linetskaya, Elga Lvovna. Materials for biography. From the literary heritage (Compilation and introductory essay) - Saint Petersburg, Symposium, 1999.
Boulanger, Daniel. The Garden of Armida. (Compilation, foreword, translation Editing) - Saint Petersburg: Academichesky Proyekt [Academic project] Publishing House, 2001.
Rostand, Edmond. Cyrano de Bergerac. (Compilation and commentary) - Saint Petersburg, Azbuka-Classica, 2002.
On the history of translation and publication of the "The Virgin of Orleans: or, Joan of Arc" in Russia // Voltaire. The Virgin of Orleans" - Saint Petersburg, Vita Nova, 2003.
Poetry Remembers [Foreword]. French poetry in the translations of Russian poets of the 1910s to the 1970s. - Moscow, Raduga [Rainbow] Journal, 2005 (A bilingual edition).
Cluny, Claude Michel. This Side of the Dead. Novels. Poems. (Compilation, foreword, translation of poems, editing) - Saint Petersburg., Akademichesky Proyect [Academic Project] Publishing House / DNA Publishing, 2007.
Ionesco, Eugène. Rhinoceros. (Afterword and commentary) - Saint Petersburg, Azbuka-Classica, 2008.
From Notre-Dame to the Eiffel Tower. French lyrical poetry in the translations of Elga Linetskaya. (Compilation, essay, commentary) - Saint Petersburg, Azbuka-Classica, 2008.
Beranger, Pierre-Jean. The Gallant Songs. (Compilation, afterword and commentary) - Saint Petersburg, Vita Nova, 2009.
Verlaine, Paul. The Gallant Festivities. (Compilation and commentary. Partial translation) - Saint Petersburg, Vita-Nova, 2010.
Poets of Quebec (Compilation. Partial translation from French) - Saint Petersburg: Nauka [Science] Publishers, 2011 ("Library of a Foreign Poet" series).
Verlaine, Paul. Selected poems. (Compilation, introductory essay and commentary) - Saint Petersburg, Azbuka-Classica, 2011.
Linetskaya, Elga. Selected Translations // Poetry. Prose. (Compilation, essays, commentary) - Saint Petersburg, Petropolis, 2011. ("The Masters of Literary Translation. The Saint Petersburg School")
The Russian Rimbaud // Cultural palimpsest. Collection of essay on the occastion of the 60th anniversary of Vsevolod Evgenievich Bagno. - Saint Petersburg, Nauka [Science] Publishers, 2011.
Paul Perre. The Ladies de Lyre (Afterword and commentary) - Saint Petersburg, Vita Nova, 2011.
Baudelaire, Charles. Poems in Prose (Paris Spleen). Fanfarlo. Diaries. (Compilation and introductory essay) - Saint Petersburg, Nauka [Science] Publishers, 2011 ("The Library of a Foreign Poet" series).
Baudelaire, Charles. Paris Spleen. (Compilation and introductory essay) - Saint Petersburg, Azbuka-Classica, 2014.
Chonghi, Moon. After the Wind. (Foreword) - Moscow, Rudomino Book Center, 2015.
From the History of Poetry Translation: The Russian Rimbaud. The Russian Apollinaire. - The Worlds of literary translation // Collected papers of the participants of the 3rd International Congress of Translators of Fiction. - Moscow, 2015.
Kerangal, Maylis de. Bridge. Translated from French by Assya Petrova (Editing) Moscow - Saint. Petersburg, Bertelsman / Chernaya Rechka [Black River] Publishers, 2016.
Beyond the text (Foreword) // Marcel Proust. Letters to my neighbour. - Saint Petersburg, Limbus Press, 2017.
About French Poets and Russian Translators // Essays. Portraits. Commentary. - Moscow, Rudomino Book Centre, 2017
Books of Poems and Prose
Grigoriev, Oleg. Poems. Drawings (Compilation and introductory essay) - Saint Petersburg: Notabene, 1993.
Grigoriev, Oleg. The Life Entire (Compilation and afterword) - Saint Petersburg, Iskusstvo [Art] Publishers - Saint Petersburg., 1994.
Grigoriev, Oleg. Bird in a Cage (Compilation and Introductory essay) - Saint Petersburg: Ivan Limbakh Publishing House, 1997 (2nd ed. - 2001, 3rd ed. - 2005).
Bagno, Vsevolod. In the Direction of the Absurd. [Foreword] - Saint Petersburg, Academichesky Proyekt [Academic project] Publishing House, 2001.
Sokolovskaya, Natalia. Angels are Forever. Poems. Translations from Georgian poetry (Introductory Essay) - Saint Petersburg, Azbuka, 2005.
About this book and its author [Foreword] // Etkind. E. A Discussion of Poetry. - Saint Petersburg, Detgiz, 2004.
Etkind, Efim. Here and There. (Compilation and Foreword from the editorial team). - Saint Petersburg, Academichesky Proyekt [Academic project] Publishing Hourse, 2004.
"Pierrot's Night Walks". [On the work of G. Kruzhkov] // Kruzhkov, Grigory. The Guest. - Moscow, Vremya [Time] Publishers, 2004.
Foreword. Mikhail Alexander. Geometry of the Wing. Saint Petersburg, 2004.
Seven unwritten fragments about Vyacheslav Leikin. [Foreword] // Leikin, Vyacheslav. The Episode's Hero. Poems. - Saint Petersburg, Helikon Plus, 2005.
Foreword. // Boroditskaya, Marina. So it turns out you can. Moscow, Vremya [Time] Publishes, 2005.
Weizmann, Mark. The Operator of Dreams. Poems. (Foreword: The Illusion of an Eternity). - Kiev. Raduga [Rainbow] Journal, 2007.
Grigoriev, Oleg. The Wineguard (Compilation, afterword, and commentary materials). - Saint Petersburg, Vita Nova, 2008.
Grigoriev, Oleg. As Walked Forward We Came Back. (Compilation and foreword). - Saint Petersburg, Azbuka-Classica, 2010 (Released in November 2009).
Lunin, Victor. Islands. (Introductory Essay). - Saint Petersburg, Vita-Nova, 2010.
On the verge of a foul (In Lieu of an Afterword) // Gelfman, Leonid. On the Verge. - Saint Petersburg, 2011.
Efim Etkind: Correspondence a quarter of a century long. (Compilation and Foreword) - Saint Petersburg, The European University in Saint Petersburg, 2012.
Unwritten Fragments about Mikhail Bychkov // Bychkov, Mikhail. Illustrations and Books. - Saint Petersburg & Moscow, Rech [Speech] Publishers, 2017.
The Pedagogical Workshop of Denis Fonvizin [an accompanying wssay] // Fonvizin, D. The Minor: Plays and Prose. - Moscow, Vremya [Time] Publishers, 2017.
Books for children
From the reader to the publisher - On Children's Literature // No. 29 - Leningrad, Detskaya Literatura [Children's Literature], 1986.
The Edges of Heroism - On Children's Literature // No. 30 - Leningrad, Detskaya Literatura [Children's Literature], 1987.
Waiting for ... whom? - Tallinn, No. 6, 1988.
"Remembering the Invention" - On Children's Literature // No. 31 - Leningrad, Detskaya Literatura [Children's Literature], 1988.
The Open Doors of Alxender Shibayev - On Children's Literature // No. 32 - Leningrad, Detskaya Literatura [Children's Literature], 1989.
Lessons on Children's Poetry - On Children's Literature // No. 33 - Leningrad, Detskaya Literatura [Children's Literature], 1990.
"Children dancing, all of plaster" - Moskovskiye Novosti [Moscow] News, No. 3, 1994.
Who is the Giant Now? - Vecherniy Peterburg [Evening Saint Petersburg], No. 19, 1994.
"Miss Commercial Market": or, Children on the Market Threshold - Chas Pik [Rush hour], No. 13, 1994.
How to Know Dinosaurs are Becoming Extinct - Vecherniy Peterburg [Evening Saint Petersburg], No. 90, 1994.
New lessons of children's poetry - Nezavisimaya Gazeta [The Independent Newspaper], 16.10.1997.
Ballad-monger in a cage - Vyshgorod (Tallinn), No. 6, 1997.
"The Downfall, the Memory, and the Market" - Detskaya Literatura [Children's Literature], No. 1, 1998.
After the Passing Era (Notes on the life and poetry of Oleg Grigoriev) - Detskaya Literatura [Children's Literature], No. 5-6, 1998.
The crocodile of Daniil Kharms. - Piggy and Co., No. 1, 1999.
What is Good and What is Bad - Peterbook, No. 2, 2000.
"Talk to me: I am afraid". How to write poetry for children. - Knizhnoye Obozreniye [Book Review], No. 29, 2000.
"Being a Genius: a Childhood Set in Stone". Notes on Children's Poetry. - Detskaya Literatura [Children's Literature], No. 4, 2000.
"Being a Genius: a Childhood Set in Stone" (Why is literature being dispensed with in university curriculums?) - Literaturnaya Gazeta [The Literary Newspaper], No. 50 - 51, 2000.
Under the guise of Children's Poetry. - Another's name / Almanac "The Eves", Saint Petersburg, 2001.
Notes on Children's Poetry. - Irkutskoye Vremya [Irkutsk Time]. Irkutsk, 2002.
"Little Comedies" by Oleg Grigoriev - Doshkolnoye Obrazovaniye [Preschool education], No. 23, 16-30 November, 2002.
"One Meter Seventy Kilograms" by Oleg Grigoriev - Kukumber, No. 1, January-February 2003.
Children's poetry at home and in the nursery (poems for younf and old) - Kindergarten All Round, No. 12, 2003. (Special Edition).
"There Came a Loud Knocking at the Door..." (Children's poetry and politics) - Etkind readings, First Edition // Collection of articles on the materials of the Readings dedicated to the memory of E.G. Etkind (27-29 June 2000). - Saint Petersburg, 2003.
From Robin-Bobin to Little-Roussel (About the little books translate for the very young - On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Detgiz Publishing House). - Kindergarten All Around. No. 13, 14, 17, 18, April-May 2004; Druzhba Narodov [Friendship of the Peoples], No. 12, 2004; Vestnik Detskoy Literatury [The Herald of Children's Literature]. No. 3. Saint Petersburg, 2011.
Grigoriev, Oleg. Mildly Hooligan Poems (Compilation). - Saint Petersburg, Amphora, 2005.
Foreword. - Grigoryev, Oleg. Poems for Children. Moscow, Samokat Publishing House, 2005.
About Andrei Usachev, who wrote this book. (Foreword) - Andrey Usachev. Smart Dog Sonya. Moscow, Ast, 2005.
About Viktor Lunin: or, the Joys of Being a Reader (Afterword) - Viktor Lunin. My House is Magic. Saint Petersburg, Vita Nova, 2005.
"Smiles and greetings to one and to all..." // From the literary heritage of S.V. Pogorelovsky. Remembering the Poet (Compilation). - Saint Petersburg, Pushkin, 2006.
What did the pencil say? - "Smiles and greetings to one and to all..." // From the literary heritage of S.V. Pogorelovsky. Remembering the Poet (Compilation). - Saint Petersburg, Pushkin, 2006.
Grigoriev, Oleg. Odd birds and others. (Compilation and afterword) - Saint Petersburg, Detgiz, 2006.
Our friends the poets. Compiled and presented by Mikhail Yasnov. Parts I-II. - Saint Petersburg, Kindergarten All Around, 2006.
A Magical Morning. From Yiddish poetry to children. (Compilation and Foreword). - Moscow & Jerusalem: Gesharim - Mosty Kultury [Bridges of Culture] Publishers, 2007.
Levin, Vadim. A-Fish-With-Two-Tails (Afterword). - Moscow - Jerusalem. Gesharim - Mosty Kultury [Bridges of Culture] Publishers, 2007.
Our friends the prose writers. Compiled and presented by Mikhail Yasnov. Parts I-II. - Saint Petersburg, Kindergarten All Around, 2007.
Our friends the translators. Compiled and presented by Mikhail Yasnov. Parts I-II. - Saint Petersburg, Kindergarten All Around, 2007.
Niemel, Reetta. The reasures of the Forest Elves (Foreword. Note on the authors) - Saint Petersburg, Detgiz, 2008.
The History of the Russian State in excerpts from school essays. Compiled and illustrated by the teacher of laughter Leonid Kaminsky (Compilation, foreword and afterword). - Saint Petersburg, Detgiz, 2008.
Pogorelovsky, Sergey. What I dream about. Poems for children. (Compilation and afterword). - Saint Petersburg, Detgiz, 2009.
How good it is to know how to read - 1 (Compilation and foreword). - Saint Petersburg, Detgiz, 2009.
[About the book and its authors] // Starting School. - Saint Petersburg, Detgiz, 2009.
How good it is to know how to read - 2 (Compilation and foreword). - Saint Petersburg, Detgiz, 2010.
Grigoriev, Oleg. Naughty and Mischievous Poems. (Compilation) - Moscow, RIPOL Classic, 2010
Dyadiana, Galina. A Book in the Vest (Compilation and foreword) - Saint Petersburg, Grif-Detgiz, 2010.
Smetanin, Anrey. Where starts a quarrel? (Foreword) - Moscow, CompassGid, 2010.
Drawing lessons ... [About the artist Mota de Manville] in French folk songs // In French and Russian. - Saint Petersburg, Detgiz, 2010.
Borovkov, Nikolai. A Soup of Nonsense. Poems for children. (Compilation and afterword). - Saint Petersburg, Detskoye Vremya [Children's Time] - Detgiz, 2011.
Givargizov, Artur. Once I Flew off a Mountain Ash. (Compilation of the series and foreword) - Moscow, Meshcheryakov Publishing House, 2011.
The History of the Russian State in excerpts from school essays. Compiled and illustrated by the teacher of laughter Leonid Kaminsky (Compilation, foreword and afterword). 2nd revised edition - Saint Petersburg, Detgiz, 2011.
How good it is to know how to read - 3 (Compilation and foreword). - Saint Petersburg, Detgiz, 2011.
How good it is to know how to read - 4 (Compilation and foreword). - Saint Petersburg, Detgiz, 2012.
"Just the Way Life is..." (Notes of a Children's Poet). - Novy Mir [New World], No. 2, 2012.
How Rustles the Time (Foreword) // Kozlov, Sergei. Hedgehog's Joy. - Saint Petersburg, Rech [Speech] Publishers, 2012.
Moravskaya, M. Orange Peel (Compilation and foreword). - Saint Petersburg, Obrazovatelniye Proyekty [Educational projects], 2012.
Axelrod, Elena. The Giant that Took a Bath his the Sea (Afterword). - Moscow, Samokat, 2012.
Plaksin, David. Such Different Letters (Foreword). - Saint Petersburg, Detgiz, 2013
Shakespeare, William. A Midsummer Night's Dream. Retold by Victor Lunin (Afterword). - Saint Petersburg, Vita Nova, 2013.
Dyadiana, Galina. Dear Bears! (Compilation of the series and foreword) - Moscow, Meshcheryakov Publishing House, 2013.
Fadeeva, Lyudmila. We are Students Now. (Compilation, afterword, and editing) - Saint Petersburg, Detgiz, 2013.
Leikin, Vyacheslav. The Rhinoceros Sends his Greetings. (Compilation, Afterword and editing) - Saint Petersburg, Detgiz, 2013.
How good it is to know how to read - 5 (Compilation and foreword). - Saint Petersburg, Detgiz, 2013.
About Andrey Usachev, child and grown-up (Foreword) / Usachev, Andrey. Complete collection of poems and fairy tales. V. 1. Poems. - Moscow, EKSMO, 2013.
Lessons of Children's Poetry - Biblioteka v Shkole [The School Library], 2014, No. 3; 4; 5-6; 7-8.
Poems for the Very Young (Compilation) - Saint Petersburg - Moscow, Sova [Owl] -AST, 2014
Goosebumps. About the poems by Mark Weizmann (Foreword) / Weizmann, Mark. An Ordinary Fight. - Moscow, Samokat, 2014.
Takhistova, Marina. Navigating the Notebook. (Compilation, afterword, and editing) - Saint Petersburg, Detgiz, 2013.
How good it is to know how to read - 6 (Compilation and foreword). - Saint Petersburg, Detgiz, 2014.
Makhotin, Sergey I Saw the Director in his Slippers. (Compilation, afterword and editing) - Saint Petersburg, Detgiz, 2014.
Pogorelovsky, Sergey. Never Give Up! Poems for children. (Compilation and editing). - Saint Petersburg, Dom Detskoy Knigi [Children's Book House] / Detgiz, 2014.
Try that! Russian tongue twisters // Illustrated by Alexander Azemsh (Foreword). - Saint Petersburg, Detskoye Vremya [Children's Time], 2014.
To understand it all, try living it all back... (Afterword) // Vvedensky, A. Summer / Short Stories for Children. - Saint Petersburg, Detgiz, 2014.
A Journey to Wonderhood. A Book About Children, Children's Poetry, and Children's Poets. - Saint Petersburg, Dom Detskoy Knigi [The Children's Book House] - Detgiz, 2014.
Inber, Vera. Simple things / Poems for children (Compilation and foreword). - Saint Petersburg, Obrazovatelniye Proyekty [Educational projects], 2015.
How good it is to know how to read - 7 (Compilation and foreword). - Saint Petersburg, Detgiz, 2015.
Serdobolsky, Oleg. Among us sailors. (Compilation, afterword, and editing) - Saint Petersburg, Detgiz, 2015.
Big News [Afterword] // Kushner, A. It's Good to Have an Elephant!.. - Saint Petersburg, Detgiz, 2015.
The Grozovsky "Reservation" [Afterword] // Grozovsky, M. A reservation for all animals, from the biggest elephant to the tiniest ant. - Moscow, Russky Impuls [Russian Impulse] Publishers, 2016.
To the memory of Leonid Kaminsky [On the occasion of the 85th anniversary of his birthday] // Literaturniye Znakomstva [Literary acquaintances] (almanac) № 1 (24) 2016.
Modzalevsky, Lev. Let's all get down to business! Poems for children (Compilation and foreword). - Saint Petersburg, Obrazovatelniye Proyekty [Educational projects], 2016.
Two Jubilees / A Merry Bell and All, All, All // A collection of poems on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Koster [Bonfire] magazine. - Saint Petersburg, Fond Detskoy Knigi [The Children's Book Foundation], 2016.
Zero-plus / About the poems of Kristina Strelnikova - Doshkolnoye Vospitaniye [Preschool education], No. 12, 2016
The Ferris wheel // Poems of contemporary children's poets (compilation, foreword, poetry selection) - Moscow, Klever [Clover] Publishers, 2016 ("Mikhail Yasnov's Library" series).
Soon to school! // Poems, short and incredible tales. (Compilation, foreword, poetry selection) - Moscow, Klever [Clover] Publishers, 2016 ("Mikhail Yasnov's Library" series).
My Family and I! // Best poems and short stories by contemporary children's writers (Compilation, foreword, poetry selection) - Moscow, Klever [Clover] Publishers, 2017 ("Mikhail Yasnov's Library" series).
Levitansky, Yuri. Talking by the Christmas Tree (Editing) - Saint Petersburg, Detgiz, 2017
Anisimova, Anna. Peas All Year Round (Compilation and foreword) - Moscow, Klever [Clover] Publishers, 2017 ("Mikhail Yasnov's Library" series). I can read myself!
Georgiev, Sergey. Masha, Lisa and Kruglik (Compilation and foreword) - Moscow, Klever [Clover] Publishers, 2017 ("Mikhail Yasnov's Library" series). I can read myself!
Zartayskaya, Irina. Mummy will be back soon (Compilation and foreword) - Moscow, Klever [Clover] Publishers, 2017 ("Mikhail Yasnov's Library" series). I can read myself!
"And the cats can't reach!" / About the poems by Julia Simbirskaya - Doshkolnoye Vospitaniye [Preschool education], No. 1, 2017.
From Puddles to Clouds / About poems by A Eroshin and D. Sirotin - Doshkolnoye Vospitaniye [Preschool education], No. 4. 2017.
Simbirskaya, Julia. Nose in Milk (Compilation and editing) - Saint Petersburg, Grif, 2016 (Released in June 2017)
The Menagerie in Winter // Poems of contemporary children's poets (compilation, foreword, poetry selection) - Moscow, Klever [Clover] Publishers, 2017 ("Mikhail Yasnov's Library" series).
Evdokimova, Natalia. In Winter. (Compilation and foreword) - Moscow, Klever [Clover] Publishers, 2017 ("Mikhail Yasnov's Library" series). I can read myself!
Volkova, Natalia. Dasha and her Grandpa (Compilation and foreword) - Moscow, Klever [Clover] Publishers, 2017 ("Mikhail Yasnov's Library" series). I can read myself!
Karapetyan, Rustam. In the Frost. (Compilation and foreword) - Moscow, Klever [Clover] Publishers, 2017 ("Mikhail Yasnov's Library" series). I can read myself!
How good it is to know how to write - 8 (Compilation and foreword). - Saint Petersburg - Ekaterinburg, Dom Detskoy Knigi [The Children's Book House], 2017.
Grigoriev, Oleg. Odd Birds and Ohers. (Compilation and afterword) - Saint Petersburg, Dom Detskoy Knigi [The Children's Book House], 2017 (Reprint of the 2006 edition).
My Family and I! // Best poems and short stories by contemporary children's writers (Compilation, foreword, poetry selection) - Moscow, Klever [Clover] Publishers, 2017 ("Mikhail Yasnov's Library" series).
The elephant and the Violin // The best stories by contemporary writers (compilation, foreword, fairy tales' selection) - Moscow, Klever [Clover] Publishers, 2017 ("Mikhail Yasnov's Library" series).
To See and to Hear! // Stories by contemporary writers (compilation, foreword, stories selection) - Moscow, Klever [Clover] Publishers, 2018 ("Mikhail Yasnov's Library" series).
Guinevsky, Alexander. A Mitten Miracle. (Compilation and foreword) - Moscow, Klever [Clover] Publishers, 2017 ("Mikhail Yasnov's Library" series). I can read myself!
Pogorelovsky, Sergey. Good to Help. Poems for children. (Compilation and editing). - Saint Petersburg, Dom Detskoy Knigi [Children's Book House] / Detgiz, 2014.
Stelnikova, Christina. Summer withour a Beret // Poems for children. (Editing) - Saint Petersburg, Grif, 2017.
Veksler, Mikhail. The Little Time Machine // Compiled and presented by Mikhail Yasnov. - Saint Petersburg, Grif, 2017.
Tales Of Santa Claus. 33 Stories for Cozy Winter Reading – Moscow, Klever [Clover] Publishers, 2018 ("Mikhail Yasnov's Library" series).
On Evening Morning. Best rhymes and stories for children BY modern writers.– Moscow, Klever [Clover] Publishers, 2018 ("Mikhail Yasnov's Library" series).
The Best Reading at 3 years – Moscow, Klever [Clover] Publishers, 2018 ("Mikhail Yasnov's Library" series).
The Best Reading at 4 years – Moscow, Klever [Clover] Publishers, 2018 ("Mikhail Yasnov's Library" series).
The Best Reading at 5 years – Moscow, Klever [Clover] Publishers, 2018 ("Mikhail Yasnov's Library" series).
The Best Reading at 6 years – Moscow, Klever [Clover] Publishers, 2018 ("Mikhail Yasnov's Library" series).
Wonderhood, part 1 - Saint Petersburg, Vira-M, 2007.
Wonderhood, part 2 - Saint Petersburg, Vira-M, 2007.
A Jungle Adventure - Saint Petersburg, Vira-M, 2007.
On the Way to Louvier. French folk poems and fairy tales - Saint Petersburg, Vira-M, 2007
Carême, Maurice. How to Draw a Little Human. Poems and fairy tales - Saint Petersburg, Vira-M, 2007.
Roland's Horn and Guillaume's Sword. Episodes from the French epic literature as retold by Mikhail Yasnov - Saint Petersburg, Vira-M, 2008.
XVI-XVIII Century French Lyrical Poetry - Saint Petersburg, Vira-M, 2008.
The Golden Age of French Poetry. XIX-XX Century French Lyrical Poetry. Part I. From Baudelaire to Apollinaire. - Saint Petersburg, Vira-M, 2008.
The Golden Age of French Poetry. XIX-XX Century French Lyrical Poetry. Part II. From Apollinaire to Prévert. - Saint Petersburg, Vira-M, 2008.
Chaikovsky. The Glass Boy. - Saint Petersburg, Vira-M, 2009.
Kenneth Grahame. Wind in the Willows (Poetry translation. Translated from English). - Saint Petersburg, Vira -M, 1993.
Because It's Fun // 160 lines, counting rhymes and tongue twisters. - Moscow, Vimbo, 2013.